Telegram has recently launched a new affiliate program designed to enable developers to expand their user base, and to offer influencers a new way to monetize their audience. Additionally, it empowers everyday users to earn rewards by sharing mini-apps with their friends. The new marketing channel has seen rapid adoption, with over 15,000 affiliate programs being initiated and attracting 4 million users through affiliate links within just two weeks of its launch.
In this blog post, we'll delve into the essentials of Telegram's Affiliate Program, explore what Telegram mini-apps are, and guide you through setting up your own affiliate initiative within Telegram's ecosystem.
Telegram mini-apps are lightweight web applications that run within the Telegram app, offering seamless integration and user experience. They provide developers with the opportunity to reach Telegram's extensive user base without requiring users to download separate applications. Mini-apps can serve a myriad of purposes, ranging from gaming and ecommerce to productivity tools and interactive content. They represent a powerful tool for developers looking to enhance their service reach and user engagement effectively. Particularly the gaming segment has been growing rapidly, with several games attracting millions of users in a matter of weeks. Read more about how to create a Telegram game here.
Telegram's Affiliate Program is designed to be both transparent and user-friendly, offering a novel way for users and channels to earn Stars:
For mini app or bot developers, launching an Affiliate Program on Telegram is straightforward:
Earnings from Telegram's Affiliate Program hinge on various factors, including the appeal of the mini app, the influencer's reach, and the specific terms of each affiliate campaign. With the potential for a continual stream of income throughout the duration of an Affiliate Program, consistent promotion, engaging content, and audience targeting can significantly boost earnings.
Telegram’s Affiliate Program is a novel opportunity for both developers and influencers. By leveraging Telegram Stars and transparent terms, developers can more effectively acquire users, while influencers can monetize their platforms in a trustworthy and verifiable manner. As Telegram continues to innovate, these Affiliate Programs present a unique avenue for growth and engagement, aligning seamlessly with digital marketing demands.
Once you've built up a strong user base and community for your mini-app, tools such as Mava can help you easily manage questions and problems users are facing. Read more about providing customer support on Telegram here.