Top Strategies to Stop Spam and Scams in Telegram Groups

Telegram has grown into a powerful platform for creating and managing online communities. However, with growth comes challenges, particularly in the form of spam and scams. These problems have grown exponentially as Telegram has launched its wallet, TON blockchain, and with the introduction of popular coins such as NOTCOIN.

Effective community management on Telegram requires robust strategies and tools to maintain a healthy and engaging environment. In this blog, we will explore tips and tools specifically designed to prevent spam and scams within your Telegram community. We'll cover methods to keep unwanted bots at bay and discuss tools to ensure your group remains a safe and valuable space for all members.

Preventing bots from entering your group

Keeping bots and fake users out of your group chat is the first line of defense against spam and scams. There are various bots available that can significantly reduce the chances of unauthorized access.


A common method to avoid bots infiltrating your chat is by forcing users to complete a CAPTCHA before they are allowed to enter the group or speak. There are various bots available that can help you with this, and these bots often also offer anti-raid features to prevent hundreds of user joining at the same time. Most of these bots offer free basic versions. 

Popular options include:

Token-Gate your Group

To elevate your security measures, you can also consider creating a token-gated Telegram group. With this method, only users holding your specified token, such as an NFT, can join the community. This not only helps control access but also ensures that members have a vested interest in being part of the group. Several platforms can assist you in setting up token-gated groups, including:

Preventing spam in your group chats

One significant issue you might face is human (non-bot) users spamming your group, whether they're trying to sell their services, sharing malicious links, or attempting to get members to DM them for support. These actions not only disrupt the group dynamic but can also put members at risk.

Moderation Bots

Tools mentioned before, like Miss Rose and Safeguard, offer a range of moderation features to tackle these problems. These bots can automatically ban certain words and phrases, delete suspicious links, and carry out other pre-defined moderation tasks to maintain the integrity of your group chat.

AI Moderation Bots

The landscape of moderation is evolving with the rise of AI moderation bots. An example of such a tool is  Watchdog. Unlike traditional rule-based bots, AI moderation bots are more intelligent and adaptive. Admins can set broad guidelines such as "no hate speech allowed," and the AI bot will automatically identify and remove any content that violates these rules. This allows for a more nuanced and effective approach to managing group chats.

Preventing scams in your group chats

Beyond sharing malicious links or files, a specific type of scam frequently seen in Telegram communities involves fraudsters posing as project team members. They target users seeking help, directing them to send a direct message (DM) for assistance. Once the user complies, these scammers attempt to extract sensitive information like passwords and seed phrases.

Telegram Support System

To make it more challenging for scammers to target your users, it's essential to establish a direct support system within Telegram. By implementing such a system, you can assure users that your team will never assist through DMs.

One effective solution is offered by Mava, which provides a comprehensive support system for Telegram. With Mava, you can set up a ticketing system to manage private support requests efficiently. Additionally, Mava includes various features to handle spammy support requests, such as automation tools and AI capabilities to answer common questions. This not only enhances security but also streamlines the support process for both admins and users.

In conclusion, managing a Telegram community effectively requires robust anti-spam and anti-scam measures. The tactics we discussed in this post are: utilize CAPTCHA bots and token-gated entries to keep out unauthorized users; employing moderation tools like Miss Rose and AI solutions like Watchdog to tackle spam intelligently; and mitigating scams by establishing a direct support system within Telegram, ensuring users know assistance will never come through DMs. By implementing these strategies, you'll foster a safe, engaging environment for all members.


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